08/18/2022 12:50:31     Blog

 1. Why do wine bottles have their ass stuck inside?

That part of the bottle is called minced, and among its functions are: - Create a larger view of the bottle and therefore give the impression that the amount of wine is greater. - Keep the sediments on the sides of the bottom. - Make gripping the bottle easier. - Distribute the capping pressure.

2. Toast so as not to be poisoned

Where does the word toast come from? If we analyze the word etymologically, toast comes from the German word "bring dir's" (I offer it to you). But the act of toasting with wine has its origin in the great banquets that were held centuries ago. As poisonings were common, when sitting at banquets they raised the glasses and banged them against each other so that the wine spilled from one glass to another and thus demonstrate or ensure that the drink was not poisoned. How about? Chin Chin!

vino brindis chin chin

3. There are wines of all kinds

There are different types of wine depending on their production and grape varieties, but did you know that there are also meteorite-aged wines? That's right, in Chile they mixed astronomy with wine and produced a cosmic Cabernet. In addition, there are other types of wine that have been produced with grapes and bones, feces and even animal genitalia. Would you dare to try any of this type? Surely if you would dare with a type of wine that is produced without grapes, but with fermented tomatoes in Canada.

4. Who were the creators of wine?

There are thousands of hypotheses about the first creators of wine, in ancient Egypt King Osiris, in Greek mythology Dionysus, according to the Romans it was Bacchus,... But what we do know is that the main producers of wine in the Middle Ages were the monks. They controlled the wine techniques for its correct elaboration, there is even a brand of Champagne whose name comes from a monk, Dom Pérignon. The Benedictine monk who is credited with discovering the champanoise method.

5. The wine has no color

The must of the wine is colorless, the color of the wines arises as a result of the maceration by the pigments of the skin of the grapes (skin) and other vegetable cells, in this way, when fermenting, the color of the wine is created. How right is this popular song: “The wine that Asunción has is neither white nor red, nor does it have color. Asuncion, Asuncion!..." In addition, if we look at the color of the wine, we can try to guess its origin, if it comes from warmer or colder regions. In the case of darker wines, they tend to be from warmer climates, and lighter wines, from colder regions.

6. How many grapes are needed for a bottle of wine?

To fill a standard 75cl bottle of wine, it is necessary to collect an average of 1kg of grapes. The average weight of a bunch is 250g, therefore four bunches would be needed for a bottle of wine.

cuantas uvas se necesitan para una botella de vino

7. "Vino tinto" or "vino rojo"

In Spain we call red wine “vino rojo", “rotwein” (in German) or “vin rouge” (in French) and not red wine, do you know why? The word red comes from the Latin (tinctus) and means dyed, when making red wine, white wine was colored with a little red wine, and that's where its name comes from. In the old days, more white wine was drunk, until they began to color the wine (like claret) and red wine gained more fame. Comment that today the method of making red wine is not dyeing, but it is still called in this way.

8. The place where the most wine is consumed is…

The Vatican is the largest consumer of wine in the world, with 74 liters per capita per year. Behind these figures would be France, Italy, the United States and China, among others.

9. The largest wine producer in the world is…

France is the number one wine producing country in the world. Spain, Italy and the United States follow in this list of wine manufacturers. 10. The largest winery in the world is in… Moldova! The Milestii Mici winery located 25 minutes from Chisinau (Moldova) holds the Guinness World Record for being the largest on earth. It has more than 200 kilometers of surface, but only 50 are in use and some underground caves where two million bottles of wine rest. If you don't want to get lost, you will need a guide to move around the cellar.

11. Marine cellars for wine

The sea can be used as a place to store wine. There are wineries that make use of the depths of the ocean for the conservation of their wine, the conditions are ideal: the temperature and pressure are constant and the light does not exist.

12. Wine ages better in a magnum bottle.

Thanks to the magnum-sized bottles (1.5l), the longevity of the wine is prolonged and its conservation is of better quality than in standard bottles.

13. Ice Wine

There is ice wine or “Eiswein”, a wine made from frozen grapes. This type of wine has its origin in the north of Bavaria (Germany) although we can also find it in Spain in D.O. Arlanza (Amantia wine), Penedès (Vi de Glass Gewürztraminer wine), Rioja Alavesa (Malizia wine). Its main characteristic is that as it is produced with frozen grapes, it has a high sugar content. The main grape varieties used in Germany are Riesling and Gewürztraminer.

14. Wine is produced all over the world

The five continents of the world are wine producers, even in Antarctica there are vineyards.

15. The largest bottle of wine in the world is in…

The largest wine bottle in the world has a capacity of 1,850 liters and is located in China. The Chinese producer “Wang Chen” set the record in 2010 by tripling the size of the bottle that held the record. The bottle is 4.5 meters high and would make a total of 2,467 standard bottles of wine (75cl).

Will anyone dare to buy it? Of course, you should take into account that you will need a crane to serve it... Do you know any other curiosity about wine that we can share?


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