05/18/2022 10:58:51     Blog

The first step is to learn the 6 primary tastes:

  • Bitter: it is one of the most interesting flavors. It is a perception given by several different chemical compounds, being produced by different structures. It is at the same time very diverse and especially differentiated by our taste buds, it is believed that by a survival instinct.
  • Umami: is a Japanese word that means 'tasty'. Formant of the basic flavors, it was identified and named in 1908 by the scientist Kikunae Ikeda, a professor at the Imperial University of Tokyo. He was the one who discovered that the taste of kombu dashi broth was different from the rest, sweet, salty, bitter and acid, and he called it umami. Combination of umai, 'delicious', and mi, 'flavor'.
  • Salty: it is especially enhanced by salt. Although at a more technical level, it is the responsibility of the so-called soluble ions and other alkali metals. However it is not always like this. Unusual salts, and even the most common one, sodium chloride, table salt, can offer sweet flavors in low concentration and bitter flavors in high concentration.
  • Sour: causes a similar alert signal to our brain when it is perceived on our tongue. The reason? Again, a question of survival, since like poisons they are usually bitter, also acidic. And acids are also present in substances that are harmful to humans.
  • Fatty
  • Sweet: it is a type of flavor present especially in foods with a significant presence of sugars, one of the sweet substances par excellence. Although also in products with derivatives of this or those others with a high content of carbohydrates, glucose and glycogen.

and the second step is to begin to see wine as just another ingredient in food.

Some examples are:

  • Example of complementary combination: the acid of jam with the fatty taste of peanut butter.
  • Example of congruent combination: the fat of the cheese with the greasy meat of the hamburger.

What is your favorite combination? Leave your answer in coments!


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