10/24/2022 17:05:22     Blog

What is maceration?

To macerate has always been to put some solid element into a liquid element with the intention that the properties of the solid are transmitted in the liquid. Therefore, maceration in wine is usually used so that the skins of the grapes (skins) add color to the liquid, which is generally colourless. The substance that usually provides the color are anthocyanins. This substance combined with tannins produce several health benefits such as a strong antioxidant effect and help the heart to function better.

What is the maceration for?

The maceration is not only done to obtain the color, but also to contribute the famous tannins and other substances to the must, hence the white maceration.

Example of the maceration of a rosé wine

Perhaps the best way to understand maceration is to know how a rosé wine is made, since it is fermented like a white wine, that is, fermentation occurs in a tank without the presence of grape skins or skins. But for the rosé to have the characteristics desired by the winemaker, the skins must be macerated with the must for a few hours, normally at a low temperature.

Maceration in red wines Now that we see how the maceration works, let's go to the great macerations, those of the reds. Apart from the health of the grape, touchstone of any wine, the time that the skins spend with the must, and the amount of skins that are macerated with the wine is what makes us determine if a wine is for aging. in wood and bottle or for faster consumption, being a young wine.

The skins ferment together with the grape

When we ferment a red wine, it is made with the skins together with the must. Once the fermentation of the wine begins, and due to the fact that the yeasts give off CO2 (Carbon or bubbles), it causes the skins to rise to the top of the tank, preventing the upper part of the "hat" (which is what the the concentration of hard skins in the upper part of the deposit) is properly macerated. That is why in the winery they are in charge of pushing the hat into the must or removing liquid from the lower part of the tank and watering the upper part with the intention of macerating intensely.

Whites that ferment like reds We cannot forget the white wines that ferment with their skins, which are the Orange Wine, white wines with an orange color and very fashionable. Find out all about Orange Wine here. And do not confuse them with the orange wines of Condado de Huelva.

The more maceration... The greater the maceration, the greater the contribution of anthocyanins, tannins and other beneficial substances for the wine, as well as some more astringent substances that are usually outlined with barrel and bottle aging.


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