WINETRENDS 2023-2024
   01/11/2024 17:43:49     Home
WINETRENDS 2023-2024

The world of wine is constantly evolving, and new trends emerge every year. In 2023, some of the most notable trends have been the following:



More innovative techniques have been used such as fermentation in oak barrels, carbonic maceration and the use of amphorae for wine production. In addition, the use of more sustainable methods.

introduction of technologies such as artificial intelligence, in wine production

 One of its main uses has been the prediction of grape and harvest quality, allowing winegrowers to make more precise decisions about the optimal time of harvest and grape treatment.

An example is a project carried out in Ribera del Duero, where artificial intelligence technology is being used to improve the quality of the harvests or that of two young specialists who use it to more accurately count the grapes and project the future harvests in a planned manner



Wines made with native grapes are increasingly gaining more importance, this is because they offer a different experience and a more authentic connection with the terroir of the place where they are made.

In this sense, some of the grapes that are currently gaining popularity are Bobal, Godello and Graciano.



As a result of the pandemic, many consumers have chosen to purchase wine online and consume it at home. This trend is likely to continue into 2024, causing wine producers to adapt to new forms of marketing. For example, the use of digital labels, personalization and online experience can make a difference in an increasingly competitive market.

In conclusion, the world of wine is always evolving, and the trends we have discussed may be relevant in 2024. If you are a wine lover, don't miss the latest news in the sector and follow our profile.


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